Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How does user account deletion affect?

Ans: Deleting your account removes personal information from our database. Your email becomes permanently reserved and same email cannot be re-used to register a new account. Deleting your account will unsubscribe you from all mailing list. You can delete your account from the app. Press Delete Account menu on your profile screen in the app.Please contact us at for assistance.

Q. What does Tadhin mean?

Ans: Ta Dhin, originated from Ta Dhin Dhin Na, is one of the sixten beats of Tintal means a "clap, tapping one's hand on one's arm, a musical measure". It is the term used in Indian classical music to refer to musical meter, that is any rhythmic beat or strike that measures musical time. The measure is typically established by hand clapping, waving, touching fingers on thigh or the other hand, verbally, striking of small cymbals, or a percussion instrument in the Indian subcontinental traditions.Tadhin will bring the joyful and rhythmic spirit of Tintal to travel to transform the industry.

Q. Where can I find liability waver form?

Ans: Download liability waiver form.