Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policy tells you what personally identifiable information Tadhin Inc. o/a LONGDRYV ("LONGDRYV") may collect from you, how Tadhin Inc may process your personally identifiable information, how you can limit our use of your personally identifiable information, and your rights to obtain, modify and/or delete any personally identifiable information Tadhin Inc. has collected from you.


2.1 Information you provide Tadhin Inc.Tadhin Inc. collects personal information when you request information about our services or otherwise voluntarily provide such information through our website and mobile application.Generally, you will have control over the amount and type of information you provide to us when using our website and mobile application.As a visitor you can browse our website and mobile application to find out more.

2.2 Information Collected AutomaticallyWhen you use our website and mobile application, we automatically collect certain information by the interaction of your mobile device or web browser with our platform.

2.3 CookiesLike many other website, we use “Cookies.” A Cookie is a small piece of data stored on your computer or mobile device by our website. We use Cookies to identify the areas of our website that you have visited. We also use cookies to enhance your online experience by eliminating the need to log in multiple times for specific content. Finally, we may use Cookies to personalize the content that you see on our website or to customize marketing and other information we provide to you.

2.4 SettingsInformation associated with the preferences and settings on a Tadhin account or user profile, which may include audio and video settings, recording file location, screen sharing settings, and other settings and configuration information.

2.5 Registration InformationInformation provided when registering for a meeting, livestream, webinar, or recording, which may include name and contact information, responses to registration questions, and other registration information requested by the host.

2.6 Device InformationInformation about the computers, phones, and other devices used when interacting with Tadhin products and services, which may include information about the speakers, microphone, camera, OS version, hard disk ID, PC name, MAC address, IP address (which may be used to infer general location at a city or country level), device attributes (like operating system version and battery level), WiFi information, and other device information (like Bluetooth signals).

2.7 Content and Context from Meetings, Webinars, Messaging, and Other Collaborative FeaturesContent generated in livestream events, meetings, webinars, or messages that are hosted on Tadhin products and services (“Customer Content”), which may include audio, video, in-meeting messages, in-meeting and out-of-meeting whiteboards, chat messaging content, transcriptions, transcript edits and recommendations, responses to account owner / host-sponsored post-meeting or webinar feedback requests, responses to polls and Q&A, and files, as well as related context, such as invitation details, meeting or chat name, or meeting agenda. Customer Content may contain your voice and image, depending on the account owner’s settings, what you choose to share, your settings, and what you do on Tadhin products and services. As referenced below, Tadhin employees do not access or use Customer Content without the authorization of the hosting account owner, or as required for legal, safety, or security reasons.

2.8 Usage Information Regarding Meetings, Webinars, Messaging, Collaborative Features and the WebsiteInformation about how people and their devices interact with Tadhin products and services, such as: when participants join and leave a meeting; whether participants sent messages and who they message with; performance data; mouse movements, clicks, keystrokes or actions (such as mute/unmute or video on/off), edits to transcript text, where authorized by the account owner and other inputs that help Tadhin to understand feature usage, improve product design, and suggest features; which third-party apps are added to a meeting or other product or service and what information and actions the app is authorized to access and perform; use of third-party apps and the Tadhin App Marketplace; features used (such as screen sharing, emojis, or filters); and other usage information and metrics. This also includes information about when and how people visit and interact with Tadhin’s websites, including what pages are accessed, interaction with website features including Tadhin’s website’s virtual chat feature, and whether or not the person signed up for a Tadhin product or service.

2.9 Location DataWe collect precise location data from your device to provide location-based services such as finding nearby place, providing navigation, calculate the distance.

2.10 Other Automatically-Gathered InformationTadhin Inc. may automatically record information when you visit its website, including the URL, IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your visit. Tadhin Inc. uses this information to analyze trends among its users/customers to help improve its website or customize communications and information that you receive from us. If combined with other information we know about you from previous visits, the data possibly could be used to identify you personally, even if you are not signed in to our website.

2.11 Do Not Track SettingsSome web browsers have settings that enable you to request that we do not track your movement within our website. We do not obey such settings when transmitted to and detected by our website. However, this does not change our compliance in any other way with our Privacy Policy.


When Tadhin Inc. uses or processes personal data about you, it does so only as necessary to provide the services you use or otherwise with your consent, to comply with applicable law, or to fulfill other legitimate interests of you or us as described in this Policy.

3.1 Information we process with your consentThrough certain actions when otherwise there is no contractual relationship between us, such as when you browse our website or ask us to provide you more information about our business, you provide your consent to us to process information that may be personally identifiable information.Wherever possible, we aim to obtain your explicit consent to process this information, for example, by asking you to agree to our use of Cookies or to receive communications from us.We continue to process your information on this basis until you withdraw your consent or it can be reasonably assumed that your consent no longer exists. You may withdraw your consent at any time by instructing us using the contact information at the end of this Policy. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use our website further.

3.2 Legally Required Releases of InformationWe may be legally required to disclose your personally identifiable information, if such disclosure is (a) required by law, or other legal process; (b) necessary to assist law enforcement officials or government enforcement agencies; (c) necessary to investigate violations of or otherwise enforce our Legal Terms; (d) necessary to protect us from legal action or claims from third parties including you; and/or (e) necessary to protect the legal rights, personal/real property, or personal safety of our company, clients, third party partners, employees, and affiliates.

3.3 Transactional or Responsive CommunicationsCertain electronic communications from Tadhin Inc. are responsive to your requests. For instance, if you are a Consumer, we must email you your ticket or registration on behalf of the Organizer when you purchase such ticket or registration. As a further example, if you email our customer support department, we will return your email. Notwithstanding any unsubscribe election that you have made, you will still receive these transactional or responsive emails. You can stop receiving these types of emails only by contacting us. By electing to stop receiving all electronic communications from us or through our system, you will no longer receive any updates from organizers on events you are registered to attend. We do not recommend that you do this unless you plan to no longer use the Services, are not currently registered for an event, and will have no need to receive further communications from us or through our system.


4.1 Access to your personal informationTo obtain a copy of all information Tadhin Inc maintains about you, you may send us a request using the contact information at the end of this Policy or, if available, through a tool on our website. After receiving the request, we will tell you when we expect to provide you with the information, and whether we require any fee for providing it to you.

4.2 Remove or Change your InformationIf you wish us to remove or change personally identifiable information that you have provided us you may contact us at the contact information at the end of this Policy or if available through a tool on our website and mobile application.Deleting your account removes personal information from our database. Your email becomes permanently reserved and same email cannot be re-used to register a new account. Deleting your account will unsubscribe you from all mailing list. You can delete your account from the app. Press Delete Account menu on your profile screen in the app. You may contact us at the contact information at the end of this Policy, if you need assistance.

4.3 Verification of your InformationWhen we receive any request to access, edit or delete personally identifiable information, we will first take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or otherwise taking any action. This is important to safeguard your information.


Except as otherwise mentioned in this Policy, Tadhin Inc keeps your personally identifiable information only for as long as required:

  • to provide you with the services you have requested, or otherwise to perform or enforce a contract between us;
  • to continue to provide the best possible user experience to visitors who return to our website and mobile application to collect information;
  • to comply with other law, including for any period demanded by tax authorities; or
  • to support a claim or defense in any court or in any legal, regulatory or administrative proceeding.


You assume the sole risk of transmitting your information as it relates to the use of this website and mobile application, and for any data corruptions, intentional interceptions, intrusions or unauthorized access to information, or of any delays, interruptions to or failures preventing the use this website and mobile application. In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or monetary damages, including fees, and penalties in connection with your use of materials posted on this website and mobile application or connectivity to or from this site to any other site.


Even though our website and mobile application is not designed for use by anyone under the age of 18, we realize that a child may attempt to access the website and mobile application. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from a child. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child is using our website and mobile application, please contact us. We may ask for proof of identification before we remove any information to prevent malicious removal of information. If we discover on our own that a child is accessing our website and mobile application, we will delete the information as soon as we discover it, we will not use the information for any purpose, and we will not disclose the information to third parties. You acknowledge that we do not verify the age of our users nor do we have any liability to do so. If you are a child, please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before accessing the website and mobile application.


If you are a registered user of our website and mobile application, you may have certain rights. The law may permit you to request that we:

  • Provide you the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you in the last twelve months; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information; and the categories of third parties with whom we shared personal information.
  • Provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you.
  • Delete certain information we have about you.

You may have the right to receive information about the financial incentives that we offer to you, if any. You also have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising certain of your rights.


Tadhin Inc. reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on the website and mobile application so our users are always aware of what information we collect, use, and disclose. In all cases, your continued use of our website and mobile application after any change to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.


By accessing our site you have willingly accepted the terms of this Privacy Policy.


Please contact us at with your inquiries.